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The Full Story
Eco Escape 1138 has the goal to offer a ‘one of a kind’ experience in natural bushlands & grasslands that is environmentally sustainable. Our planning phase has been in the process for the last few years, with our natural, untouched environment the perfect slice of paradise to open an Eco-Tourist Facility. With growing concerns for climate change and the changing trends where consumers wish to leave the smallest footprint they can on the environment, there was no better time to move forward with our project.
In saying this, Eco Escape 1138 was born.
Eco Escape offers accommodation that is completely off-grid living. We are 100% solar powered & 100% reliant on rainwater tanks for water use. Keeping this in mind, we offer tips and tricks to our guests and how to minimise power and water consumption during their stay and hopefully these habits can be taken home with the guests to live a more sustainable life. We enhance guest experiences by offering education and knowledge of the surrounding environment including Kosciuoszko National Park, the local community and its culture.
Where possible we aim to source local products and services, which are also Eco minded and biodegradable with minimal single use products.
Our sustainable approach includes the following:
Buildings designed to be solar passive and blend with the surrounding landscape.
Cabins are 100% Solar powered & 100% reliant on rainwater.
Only natural ventilation is used, no air conditioning.
Instantaneous Gas hot water heated on demand only.
LED lighting with timer switches for external lights.
Revegetation of areas affected by the development.
Minimal disturbance to natural environment.
Guest vehicles to only park in designated parking to not disturb vegetation.
Strict adherence & education to guests on the local Council recycling programs.
Use of recycled toilet paper and natural biodegradable products where possible.
Only Biodegradable cleaning agents are used.
No intentional feeding of wildlife.